The leadership of New Community has met to discuss the VitalChurch Ministries (VCM) findings, and we feel that it is important to hear your thoughts before considering next steps. In this update we would ask you prayerfully answer two questions:

VitalChurch Ministries identified 1 “taproot” issue and 3 “branch” issues:
“(Taproot) As a congregation, you have turned away from Jesus as your Shepherd and first love, resulting in (Branch 1) years of unresolved conflicts, (Branch 2) the absence of clearly defined leadership roles and (Branch 3) the Lord’s clear, common, compelling vision for your church.”

VitalChurch has also recommended that New Community proceed forward in addressing these steps under the current leadership in place. As leadership, we understand and accept that our church’s renewal begins with personal renewal and that personal renewal begins with our leadership. To that end, we are actively engaged in reading VCM recommended books on how to best lead through this process.

VitalChurch’s recommendation is that New Community begin with the biblical branch issue of conflict by learning and practicing repentance, reconciliation, and restoration of godly relationships before we move onto issues of leadership roles and vision.  
Therefore, before we begin this process, it seems appropriate for us to ask, is this path of repentance, reconciliation, and restoration something you are willing to commit to wholeheartedly pursuing?  

For New Community to survive, VitalChurch emphasized that each of us has to stop looking across the aisle at each other as the problem and instead begin looking in the mirror at ourselves as the problem.  

VCM challenged each of us to prayerfully consider; "Are YOU willing to take personal responsibility to address your differences biblically and repent of your sinful attitudes? Will YOU die to your pride, personal preferences, and selfish demands that things go your way in order to see New Community continue?"
With all of this in mind please answer two brief questions through the survey link below.

Because this path will not be easy, we feel it is necessary for each of us to prayerfully examine our hearts and honestly answer these questions before moving forward. The deadline for submitting your answer is April 6.

Thank you for your time, prayer, and consideration.
- Nathan, Fred, and Chris