Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina (Latin for Divine Reading) is an ancient prayer technique that has been used by countless Jesus followers as one way to meditate on the Scriptures. It can be a helpful way to immerse yourself in the text of the Bible. It certainly isn't a replacement for academic study, but it is a helpful and fruitful way to engage the Scriptures on the journey of spiritual formation.

Find a quiet place with as little distraction as possible. Reading from a print Bible instead of an electronic device may be helpful to limit distraction.

Begin with prayer to open yourself to the presence of God and to invite the Holy Spirit to work in you.

Here is an example:

"Father, we know that you are patient and consistent. You wait for us to open to you. We wait to hear your voice today. Help us to hear your Holy Spirit. Help us to be aware of your presence. Make us more like Jesus. Thank you for the truth revealed through your holy Word."


Choose a passage from the Bible to read. Keep it small enough to be memorable, but large enough to house a complete thought.
Read the text for a few minutes. Reread until you are familiar with the passage. Focus on a word or phrase that sticks out to you.

Some basic questions may help to guide your focus:

  • What is a phrase that seems to speak to me?
  • How do I feel in this moment?
  • Am I experiencing any particular emotions as I read the text?
  • Are there any specific situations in my life that relate?


Now that you have a word or phrase to focus on, repeat it in your mind. Imagine the scenery of the story. Roll the word or phrase around in your mind, not dissecting the passage academically, but listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit. Ponder what the message of the text may be inviting you to do or submit to. As the truth of God is revealed in the Holy Scriptures, they call us to be the people we were created to be. Is the Holy Spirit calling you to something in this moment?


Wait and pray about the word or phrase. Maybe pray the actual words of the text back to yourself and/or God as you respond. Listen and respond in kind to the conversation the text has begun. Don't feel discouraged if you aren't hearing anything yet. You are still spending time with Scripture, which is worth your time. Try to voice what is happening in spoken prayer.


Give thanks to God, taking this word or phrase into your day. Celebrate the time you've spent in God's presence today. Think about how this time with the Scriptures is forming and shaping you into the type of person God has created you to be.
  • Are you convicted? 
  • Are you encouraged?
  • Are you being called into a particular action?
  • Do you need to keep reading?

As you grow in your ability to read the Scriptures, you may ask:
  • How does this text fit into the larger story the Bible is telling?
  • What other texts of Scripture relate?


Take this word into your day by living out the calling to be a formed into the likeness of Jesus guided by the Holy Spirit and the love of the Father.