Peace might be described as a state of calm tranquillity, or the absence of violence or conflict. It isn't difficult to look around us and see division and discord. Peace is a vital part of the life of faith. We are called to be people who embody the beauty of God's good world. The Advent season is an appropriate time to reevaluate, reorient, and reflect on God's gift of peace.

The peace that is offered to God's people is more than just an absence of conflict. Peace is the restoration of what has been broken. It is a unification of all that has been incorrectly divided. Peace is the reconciliation of all things.

We are invited to be active participants in peace. As followers of Jesus, we participate in the healing of the world by fixing our eyes on the reign of Jesus the King, Prince of Peace and by living as a witness to his kingdom.

We encourage you to ponder the following questions this week alone, in a group, or around the dinner table:

  1. Where in my life (physical, spiritual, emotional, relational...) do I need to experience the peace of God?
  2. Where do I see division, disunity, discord, or grief in my community?
  3. Are there areas of my thinking, doing, or being that need to be re-oriented toward the healing presence of Jesus?
  4. How might I begin to participate in making peace where there is division?

Here's a simple prayer for this week as we contemplate peace together:

Father, you are good and we want to embody your peace in our world. Please help us to see the world as it should be.
Jesus, you are God with us, the Prince of Peace. Please help us to see others as you see them.
Holy Spirit, we know that you desire to work in us. Please help us to trust in you and to do what you say.